Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Totally unexpected

You've probably seen this video by now. I love this trick play. Kudos to the coach that dreamed this one up. I think my favorite part is the reaction of the defensive linemen when the QB just casually walks right between them. You can just about hear them thinking out loud: "What in the world are you doing?"

I can't help but think that this QB should instantly become a role model for Christians. Here's what I mean: It seems like most of us Jesus followers really prefer our faith to just make us comfortable. Unfortunately, this means that when it comes right down to it, there is very little difference between our lives and the lives of the non-Christians around us. We just blend right in. We go with the flow.

Let me put it this way: When was the last time that your faith led you to do something unexpected? Have you ever found yourself making a choice that left those around you thinking, "What in the world are you doing?"

As we head towards Advent and as the Christmas ads start to ramp up, I'm already finding myself wondering how we are going to respond. Will we just go with the flow and do what's expected? Or will I take the chance to do something totally unexpected? I'm actually quite excited to try to "pull a trick play" this year by exchanging consumption with compassion. Instead of just going with the flow, what if we make it our highest priority to genuinely honor Jesus with every decision we make this Advent? If we really found a way to do that, wouldn't it be a little bit like the QB in this video? What would it look like for us to just walk through, leaving those around us asking, "What the heck just happened?"

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